Back Bending, Which Is Easier For Beginners To Accept, Counteracts The Effects Of Sitting Down On Deep Extension Of The Spine

Yoga Classic back bending: ustrasana

Training objectives: chest, abdomen, quadriceps femoris

Level: intermediate pose

When we talk about the backward bend in yoga, most people may think of Yoga wheel.

But yoga camel pose is more acceptable to many yoga students.

Admittedly, the all wheeled is a back bend, but it also has a lot about arm strength and shoulder flexibility.

If we can't practice this pose, we can't get all the benefits of this pose.

Yoga camel allows us to experience deep extension of our spine without having to support our weight with our arms.

It's also a more flexible position.

The improvement of camel style

Stretch the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen and quadriceps.

It can improve spinal mobility because most of the day we may be sitting or lazily bending our spine forward.

We are bending the spine in the opposite direction. It can help us develop better posture and offset the adverse effects of sitting, sitting down and rickets.

It opens the heart chakra, the energy center of love, care and compassion.

How to practice camel Yoga

The usual starting position of camel pose is kneeling on a yoga mat or floor.

Kneeling position, body upright, buttocks vertical on the knee.

If the knee is sensitive, put a mat (blanket or fold up) under the knee.

Reach the palms behind the sides of the body, place the thumb behind the spine, the other four fingers around the lower back of the waist, and the elbows back.

With this grip, when we start to open the chest to the ceiling, we use both hands to help stabilize the trunk and lift the chest to get support.

Hold your chest position, extend one hand back in turn and grab the heel.

If you need to be higher, press your toes on the ground to make it easier to bend back.

Otherwise, the toes can rest flat on the floor.

Push your hips forward so they're perpendicular to your knees.

If you feel good, turn your head back and open your throat.

If it's difficult for us, we can lift our chin.

Put your chin to your chest and your hands on your hips to relax.


On return:

Firm your abdominal muscles, support your lower back with both hands, and slowly lift your body to an upright kneeling position.


1. If you have knee, shoulder, neck or back injury or chronic problems, do not do camel pose.

2. Don't force your body to bend back when you don't have enough flexibility.

3. Bend back as naturally as possible.

4. Through continuous practice, we will gradually build up flexibility to achieve this position.


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